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Is the fastest way to find out anything 
about anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Has been designed to aid you in investigative tasks that require the gathering of information. It is true that many different investigative sources are available on the internet but depending on what you wish to accomplish, you may require other sources that currently are not available online. Therefore, Net Detective provides of all of these sources including those not found on the internet.

Takes You Beyond What 
Search Engines Can Do. 
Stop Wasting Your Time on 
Searches that go Nowhere

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Net Detective 2001 
In order to allow you to access the information you require as quickly as possible the program has been divided into sections . When you first begin, you may find the shear amount of information a little overwhelming but once you get familiar with the various sections of the software, you should be able to find what you require quickly. A brief description of the various sections available within Net Detective are as follows:

People Reference: 

Information on what investigative techniques and sources are available to those who wish to locate an individual. 

Background Investigations Reference:

Information on what is available to those who wish to obtain background information about an individual.

Information Sources: 

Database of the offline sources that are available in each state and useful for gathering investigative information. Provides contact information and notes on each source listed. 

Online Information Sources: 

Large collection of investigative tools and internet information sources including an internet link database divided by category and topic.

Investigative Database: 

Private, searchable database of investigative tips and resources.

Software Tools: 

Other software tools that may be useful to the investigator.

Also found within Net Detective 2000 are many of the taboo sites that you may have heard of but were unable to find, such as piracy sites, virus creation files and anarchist information. These have been included strictly for information purposes and though not illegal to browse - making use of some of the things they provide may be. It is my intention to include these sites as part of the Net Detective package so that you may be informed of the activities that occur a click away, rather than partake of them.

It should be noted that due to the nature of the internet, some of the links such as those found in the information section, may disappear within a short period of time. However, with the purchase of the software comes unlimited free updates. Therefore you have no worry that Net Detective 2000 will ever become totally out-of-date but rather you can look forward to always having the latest information sources available to you. Updates are made available approximately every three to five months



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